September 2012

Christine A. Tarantino - Hjuler BROTKATZE collaborations on exhibit at FzKKe Gallery, Germany, Sept. 1 - 30, 2012.

With the Blood of a Daylily - Poems & Drawings by the Homeless Poet by Christine A. Tarantino, published by Words of Light:

THESE HANDS PRAY FOR GERONIMO, a visual poem of American Indians, by Christine A. Tarantino, published by Words of Light:

Christine A. Tarantino's ECDYSIS, snake skin artist book exhibited with 99 other book artists in Italy, curated by Maddalena Castegnaro.

Christine A. Tarantino, Sign and Language Group Exhibit, Open Stal, The Netherlands.

Christine A. Tarantino series of 40,"Being Human"
published by Redfoxpress, Assembling Box #20,

RED LIPS - What is Your Version for Me? by Christine Tarantino is published by Words of Light now available in print or eBook formats. New version includes ALL 42 artists from 13 countries plus additional text and images by Christine Tarantino.

August internet art exhibit @ CHRISTINE TARANTINO
features artist STEVE RANDOM.

WORDS OF LIGHT BOOKS, Art Publications By
Contemporary Artists, new blog offering various format books
published by Christine A. Tarantino.

Christine A. Tarantino/Words of Light publishes THE
by Walter Festuccia.

Christine Tarantino, "Instant Person 1 & 2", self-portraits with Polaroid Camera for POLAROID MADNESS, project of Franticham, Ireland. On-line exhibit and exhibition Kassel, Germany during the DOCUMENTA 2012. "INSTANT PEOPLE"250 polaroid self-portraits by 175 artists from 22 countries.11.– 23. Juli 2012 Zur Eröffnung der Ausstellung am Mittwoch, dem 11. Juli 2012 ab 19 Uhr möchten wir Sie und Ihre Freunde herzlich in denKasseler KunstvereinWerner-Hilpert-Straße 2334117 Kassel, einladen.

Christine A. TARANTINO, "Ecdysis" artist book exhibited at Villa Excelsa, Sannicola, Italia. Curator, Maddalena Castegnaro
Opening night:

July internet art exhibit @ Christine Tarantino Collection features Anna Banana, Darlene Altschul, & John Mountain.

"THESE HANDS" call for entries, newest project from Christine TARANTINO.

June internet art exhibit @ Christine Tarantino Collection features Antoni Miró.

"Fear No NewNew Art" artist book published by Redfoxpress, Assembling Box #19, Ireland.

"E-mail Between the Artist & Her Lover" artist book exhibited Villa Giulia, Italia. Curator Marisa Cortese.

"WHO AM I?" artist book exhibited Mostra Internazionale, Italia. Curator Virginia Milici.

"RED LIPS of Christine Tarantino", art booklet by Bruno Chiarlone published in Italy.

May internet art exhibit @ CHRISTINE TARANTINO COLLECTION features artist RYOSUKE COHEN.

Christine TARANTINO, "RED LIPS FOR DALAI LAMA" exhibition @ INviso, Padiglione TIBET, AssociazioneSal Viana frazione Saliana Pianello del Lario (CO)curated by Ruggero Maggi.

April internet art exhibit @ CHRISTINE TARANTINO COLLECTION features artists Daniel C. Boyer and Richard Canard.

Christine Tarantino, "NEWNEW ART Mono-Prints"
published in"Franticham's Fluxus Assembling Box Nr 18",
Redfoxpress, IRELAND.

DODODADIANI featured this month
in internet art exhibit at Christine Tarantino Collection. Dododadiani
internet art exhibit

RED LIPS Project: What is your
version for me? Send or RED LIPS, Box
121, Wendell, MA 01379 USA
"Sometimes I need red apple. Sometimes I need
redlips."-- Nam June Paik
Your RED LIPS art modification will yield
online documentation, maileddocumentation, and potential publication. Please
include a mailing address withyour submission.

Christine Tarantino, "Better Together: Harmony; Radiance; Consciousness; Evolution", International Mother Language Day Art Exhibit, Kathmandu, NEPAL, by invitation of Rafique Sulayman, Curator.

Christine Tarantino, "Flux-USA Gallery of Stars with Lucy Chew Intervention" exhibited in Group Show: Fluxfest Chicago 2012 (Chicago, USA) FROM THE ARCHIVE Mailart and Fluxus from the archives of Fluxus/St. Louis. Opening reception Chicago Art Institute, Joan Flasch Library.

February online art exhibits from 'The Christine Tarantino Collection' features Guido Vermeulen and Gerson Wenglinski this month, both artists from Belgium.

Christine Tarantino, "RED-BERRY Series" published in "Franticham's Fluxus Assembling Box Nr 17", Redfoxpress, IRELAND.

FAX Exhibit, The DeVos Art Museum, Michigan, USA, curated by Ribas; organized by The Drawing Center and ICI, NYC. TARANTINO "I of the EYE-FAX", asemic writing series:

Wooden Postcard Exhibit, Stehekin Post Office, Stehekin, Washington, USA. Christine Tarantino work:

Christine Tarantino, "PhotoBooth" work published in new book, "Photobooth Performances" by Ginny Lloyd.

Christine Tarantino, Mail Art and Video Performance at Galleriea Terre Rare, Bologna, Italy, January 28 - February 8, 2012. Project of Maurizio Follin, Italia.

Christine Tarantino, RED LIPS for Dalai Lama, collage exhibited at Venice Biennial Tibet Pavilion – Palazzo delle Esposizioni Sala Nervi - Torino, project of Ruggero Maggi, Milan, Italy.

Christine Tarantino exhibited at Foundation IK New Year Celebration Exhibit "I WISH", The Netherlands, by invitation of Ko de Jonge.

The Christine Tarantino Collection, newest Christine Tarantino art blog started on January 1, 2012. Showcasing selected works from my 20 year collection of works on paper from artists around the globe.

Christine Tarantino-Hjuler BROTKATZE Collaboration exhibited at GALERIE "Offenes Atelier D.U. Design", Austria, Barbara Rapp, Curator.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

FLUXHIBITION #3: Thinking Inside of the Box Participants

FLUXHIBITION #3 Participants
David Dellafioria
Stephanie Forsyth
Bernd Reichert
Guido Vermeulen
Peter Dowker
Gabriella de Montmollin & Tony Calzetta
Ed Varney
Tulio Restrepo
Denis Charmot
Christine Chaponniere
Yves Maraux
Matthew Rose
Angela Behrendt
Roland Halbritter
Natascha Mattmuller
Lancilloto Bellini
Alan Bowman
Valentina Calendrina
Bruno Chiarlone
Maurizio Follin
Gruppo Sinestetico (Albertin, Sassu, Scordo)
Pierpaolo Limongelli
Bibiana Padilla Maltos
Ed Schenk
Litsa Spathi
Kelly Gorman
Stewart Home
Matthew Lee Knowles
Reed Altemus
Mikeal And
Michelle N. Ary
Christine Blackwell
Buz Blurr
Nazimova Boheme
Don Boyd
Allan Bukoff
Lisa Caroll
David Baptiste Chirot
Kelly Courtney
Carla Cryptic
Tim Devin
Andrew Eyman
Ex Post Facto
Ellen Filreis
Ken Friedman
Neil Horsky
William R. Howe
Erica James
Elizabeth K.
Nancy Keeling
Ann Klefstad
Rachel Lawrence - Fluxmass
Marianne Lettieri
Melanie Leslie
Lex Loeb
Allison McElroy
Angela McGuire – Fluxmass
Larry Miller
Yoko Ono
Pronoblem - Fluxmass
Linda Renz
Kate Robinson
Josh Ronson
Ann Seltzer
Christine Tarantino / Words of Light
Cecil Touchon
Wade Towers
Jane Wang - Mobious Artists Group
Clark Whittington
Nicholas Wood
If you see an error in the list please email me with the correction.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

O U T G O I N G, Italia


Press Release

FLUXHIBITION #3: Thinking Inside of the Box

Boxes, Cases, Kits and Containers from the Permanent Collection of the FluxMuseum in conjunction with the International Museum of Collage, Assemblage and Construction

Did you think Fluxus was dead? A thing of the past? Think again. All the big names from the contemporary Fluxus art community flex their communal muscle in this extraordinary exhibition focusing on box assemblage. The FluxMuseum (fluxmuseum. org) in conjunction with the International Museum of Collage, Assemblage and Construction (collagemuseum. com) has put together its third international exhibition focusing on specific aspects of Fluxus art practice.

Works by artists from all over the world have been donated to the Fluxmuseum for this exhibition. Represented in this show are artists from the all parts of the USA, the UK, Belgium, Denmark, Spain, Portugal, Mexico, Canada, Australia, Greece, Germany, Hungry, Italy, France and Cyprus.

The exhibition to be held during the Month of July (1-31) with a gathering from 6:00-8:00pm on Friday July 10th at The Gallery in the E.H. Hereford University Center at the University of Texas at Arlington in Arlington, Texas. This exhibition is sponsored bythe Student Art Association at UTA, a student group that manages and promotes student funded, student managed art exhibitions.

This is the largest exhibition dedicated to contemporary Fluxus/Assemblage box artists ever assembled in the history of the Fluxus community. Box assemblage has been a significant art form within the Fluxus community since its early days. Inspired initially by Marcel Duchamp and Joseph Cornell, Fluxus box assemblage quickly became a staple in the Fluxus community to gather together small works and editions of works from many artists into group and individual box assemblages.

The call for this show got a big boost when Yoko Ono - who has taken an interest since the second Fluxhibition in 2008 - help spread the word this time through her website ImaginePeace. com and through her tweets. Even the New York Times picked up the story. In fact a number of works in the show are inspired by or dedicated to this seminal Fluxus artist.

The FluxMuseum is dedicated to documenting the contemporary global Fluxus art scene and assembling a significant collection of works by contemporary Fluxus artists.The International Museum of Collage, Assemblage and Construction is dedicated to the collection, study and exhibition of collage, assemblage and all forms of constructive art.

See online at and collagemuseum. com A catalog will be available when completed. Details online.

Contact information: Cecil Touchon, Director, public information officer – – Tel 817-944-4000

Friday, June 26, 2009



Plz browse this link to read my article titled 'A day with artist Shahabuddin in Paris' published today in the New Nation (26-06-2009)

Rafique Sulayman

Worldwide Festival of Poetry, Venezuela 09

Queridos colegas, amigas y amigos.
Ahora en nuestro hermoso y creativo pero atormentado país la persecución con montajes judiciales es contra el director del más grande Festival de Poesía del mundo, el Festival de Poesía de Medellín, el poeta colombiano Fernando Rendón. Así que en nombre de la paz y la solidaridad y el respeto a la libertad de crear y de pensar les invitamos a solidarizarse con nuestro compañero y amigo Fernando firmando esta carta.
Patricia Ariza
Carlos Satizábal
Corporación Colombiana de Teatro
Agregar su nombre, profesión y país, abajo de la siguiente carta y enviarla a:
<>, <> :

Carta a la opinión pública mundial

Los abajo firmantes, ciudadanos de Colombia y del mundo, no podemos permanecer en silencio ante la nueva farsa que el aparato represivo del actual gobierno colombiano ha montado, al querer enjuiciar al poeta y director del Festival Internacional de Poesía de Medellín, Fernando Rendón, quien con su excepcional capacidad humana y organizativa ha sido decisivo, al frente del equipo de trabajo de la revista Prometeo, para que el Festival mereciera el Premio Nobel Alternativo en el año 2006 y que este año fuese declarado Patrimonio Cultural de la Nación por el Congreso.

Se trata, además, de ataques al Festival Internacional de Poesía de Medellín, uno de los más multitudinarios del mundo actual, que celebrará en breve su XIX edición, y a la Poesía misma, que gozan de cabal salud. La concesión del Premio Nobel Alternativo a este Festival es el reconocimiento de que la cultura en general y la poesía en particular tienen un papel decisivo en la búsqueda de la justicia y en la defensa de la libertad, y que haya sido declarado Patrimonio Cultural de Colombia nos exige proteger algo que pertenece a todos, pues es también patrimonio de la Poesía misma.

El nombre del ilustre poeta y líder cultural Fernando Rendón, se agrega a la lista de algunos de los más destacados dirigentes de la oposición democrática, a quienes se trata de intimidar y desacreditar con falsedades y astucias. La pretensión cínica, que trata de imponerse, es la de llamar cómplices del “terrorismo” a quienes se esfuerzan en lograr una paz racional y justa y están contra la barbarie de la guerra.

Son inauditas las patrañas a que se apela para coartar la libertad de expresión y de crítica de personalidades en quienes, precisamente, se cifra la esperanza de una orientación que ayude al país a superar el atraso y la barbarie que lo agobian.

Sin embargo, aun teniendo la certeza de que la Poesía y el Festival gozan de cabal salud, llamamos al vasto público del Festival, a los poetas de Colombia y del Mundo, así como los directores de otros Festivales Internacionales de Poesía, y a los escritores, intelectuales y artistas del planeta, que aún creen que sin la poesía este mundo sería francamente intolerable e insostenible, a estar alertas y a actuar continuamente en defensa del Festival Internacional de Poesía de Medellín, lo que significa actuar en defensa de la libertad, de la dignidad y de la belleza.

Patricia Ariza, actriz, poeta, dramaturga y directora teatral. Colombia.

Martha Senn, cantante lírica. Colombia

Corporación Colombiana de teatro

Hugo Niño, escritor, Colombia

Carlos Zatizabal, dramaturgo, director teatral, profesor universitario. Colombia

Silvia Pritz- coreógrafa. Directora de Prodanza. Ministerio de Cultura, CABA; Buenos Aires

Gloria Orozco, profesora universitaria. Colombia/USA .

Fresia Camacho, gestión cultural, Costa Rica

Carlos Eduardo Maldonado, Profesor universitario, Colombia.

Camilo Cárdenas. Consultor. Colombia.

Víctor Ramos, antropólogo, Canadá.

Enith Ceballos, docente Université Laval, Quebec, Canadá

Jorge Medina Colombia

Margarita Borja, poeta, dramaturga y directora teatral: España

Encuentros de mujeres de Iberoamérica en las artes escénicas: España

Asociacion Cultural Sorámbulas. España

Diana Raznovich, autora teatral y humorista grafica: Argentina/España

Mario Rey, México.

Orlando Mejía Serrano, Director revista cultural Arte y Parte. La Guajira

Gonzalo Arcila, profesor universitario, Colombia

Aintza Uriarte, actriz. España

Simulacro Teatro. España.

Alba Ariza-Florez, Artes Plásticas, Catalunya – España.

Alexandre Kavanji -Ator - São Paulo /Brasil

Angelina Llongueras, actriz, dramaturga y directora teatral, Barcelona, España

Gabriel Ruiz Arbeláez , Ingeniero, Poeta. Director de NTC … Nos Topamos Con

Julian Malatesta, poeta, profesor universitario. Colombia.

Ángela Echeverry. Guionista. Colombia.

aldo Motta, poeta, fundador do Grupo POIESIS, Brasil.

William Berger (ator), Grupo POIESIS, Brasil.

Marcos Tavares . Literatura no ES , Brasil ,

Gina Jaimes Abril, Actriz, Rapsoda Teatro, Colombia.

Wilfredo Mujica (Perú)

María Isabel Rincón (Maloka) actriz, dramaturga,directora. España.

ALVARO IVÁN HERNÁNDEZ. Dramaturgo, director Teatral. Bogota.

Isidora Aguirre, dramaturga y novelista chilena

Pilar Aranda, actriz y codirectora de Muégano Teatro

Santiago Roldós, actor, codirector y dramaturgo de Muégano Teatro

Jose Maria Francos: Technical Director/Production Manager, YERBA BUENA CENTER FOR THE ARTS

Cooperativa Paulista de Teatro. Ney Piacentini – Presidente

Dr. James D. Cockcroft, escritor, poeta, académico (Montreal, CANADÁ)

Maria Elena Mesa Mejia, Artista, poeta y organizadora del Festival Internacional de Poesia de Resistencia de Toronto. Cánada.

Giancarlo Huapaya Cárdenas, poeta y performer

Doris Sarria V. actriz, dramaturga, directora teatral, docente, investigadora universitaria. Colombia

Patricio Vallejo Aristizábal, Director, Contraelviento Teatro, Quito, Ecuador

Verónica Falconí, actriz

Sara Zambrano, actriz

Fernando Guayasamín, actor

Kori Díaz, actriz

María Belén Bonilla, músico y actriz

Nelson Morillo, actor

Cristina Coral, actriz

Contraelviento Teatro, Quito, Ecuador

Consuelo López R Profesora universitaria


Iris Quiles

Lola Proaño Gómez Ph.D. Professor Languages Divison. Pasadena City College. California EEUU

Nestor Francia, intelectual venezolano.

Luz Stella Gil, actriz, investigadora y directora de la Fundación Festival de Teatro de Cali. Colombia.

Pablo Moreno Viveros, Director Teatro Carlos Ancira 7. Puebla, Puebla. México.

Eduardo Gómez. Poeta. Colombia.

Grupo Costa Rica en Acción

ALVARITO MENDES FILHO, Cia. Capixaba de Comédias. Brasil,

ORIETA MEDINA NEGRIN. Teatrista cubana, actriz y directora artística. Directora general de la Compañía teatral Hubert de Blacnk. La Habana. CUBA.

Pablo Gigena - Dramaturgo, director teatral, periodista de espectáculos (Tucumán Argentina).

Wietske Langedijk, director de OLAA (Organizacion de Actividades Latino Americano). Amsterdam, Holanda

Diane Lefer, dramaturga, profesora universitaria, Los Angeles, California, EEUU

Carmen González, teatróloga y profesora universitaria. España.

Arne Hornung, trabajador social. Alemania

Lalo Alberto Ceron Diaz, director de la ONG babel entre tod@s de España, miembro de la REDI Europa.

Alexander Morales, Actor, Gestor Cultural, Manager. Colombia

María Isabel Rincón (Maloka) actriz, dramaturga, directora. España.

Mery Yolanda Sánchez, poeta. Colombia.

Fabio Martínez. Escritor y profesor universitario

Olga Lucia Lozano Bernal, cineasta y bailarina en formación. Colombia.

Francisco Javier Pinzon Lozano, director y actor colombiano, en Lima, Peru.

Natalia Barón Quiroga, Restauradora y Conservadora de Bienes Muebles. Dirección de Patrimonio. Ministerio de Cultura Colombia

Carlos A. Lozano Guillén, periodista (Colombia)

Lucrecia Ardón, poeta, Guatemala

Juanita Barreto Gama, trabajadora social feminista, profesora Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Carolina Gómez, escenógrafa y artista plástica. New York, USA.

John Jairo Gómez Montoya. Profesor universitario y traductor, de Medellín, Colombia.

Daniele Bernardi, actor y poeta, Roma (Italia)
Miguel E. Andrés, actor, director teatral. Argentina

Germán Ferrer, empleado, España

Carmen Lozano, ama de casa, España






Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Clemente Padín, URUGUAY

Festival Mundial de Poesía, Venezuela 09 - Worldwide Festival of Poetry, Venezuela 09

Paul Tiililä, Finland

Bruno Pollacci, ITALIA

"EVOLUTION" INTERNATIONAL MAIL ART SHOW Opening Day's photographs are on the ACCADEMIA D'ARTE DI PISA web site:, in the "MAIL ART PROJECT" page.
The DOCUMENTATION:1) List of Participants;2) Artworks's photographs;3) Inauguration Photographs;is ON-LINE and every Participant can to download it.
Many thanks to all for participation!
Peace,Love and light to all.
Bruno Pollacci
Director of the Accademia d'Arte di Pisa

Rafique Sulayman, BANGLADESH

Artist Shahabuddin of Bangladesh. We met him at 167 Vincent Auriol, Paris on 11th June 2009. A great artist...
-Rafique Sulayman