GRUPPO SINESTETICO(Albertin , Sassu , Scordo) http://www.grupposinestetico.it/
it is present :
FONLAD #4 _ 08
1 Setembro - 31 Novembro 08
(MIAB)Bienal Internacional da Madeira, Portugal
FONLAB # 4 ,FONLAD - O festival se divide em uma exposição digital na Bienal Internacional de Arte da Madeira (MIAB), entre 1 de Setembro e 13 de Outubro em Coimbra, Portugal, e uma versão virtual do mesmo que permanecerá on line até 31 de Novembro.
A Associação dos Antigos Alunos da Arca-Euac, com colaboração da IC zero – Associação Cultural e o Museu Virtual do Artista Desconhecido, apresenta a quarta edição do FONLAD – Festival on line de Artes Digitais. O evento, no corrente ano, conta com uma exposição virtual no UAVM e uma exposição física na Bienal da Madeira.
FONLAD #4_081 Sept. - 31 November 08Madeira - Portugal
The FONLAD's exhibition program present us this year with a new show at MIAB, the Madeira's International Art Biennale, between 1st September to 13th October 08. The virtual exhibition will be extended untill 31 November 08.
The Ancient’s Students Association of the Arts University of Coimbra with the collaboration of the IC zero Association and the UAVM Virtual Museum presents the 4th Edition of FONLAD, the On Line Festival for Digital Arts.The event will count whith a virtual gallery of presentation of artistic proposals, a newsletter, and one exhibition at Madeira’s Biennal - Portugal.
“In the extensive world present in thousands of computer networks , that bind us to all world, the Internet is not only assumed as an important one half of artistic but also creative spreading. Figuring itself as an occult world to look for (the digital world needs an interlocutor to be apprehended, in general a computer monitor) one another world (virtual and not real) if glimpses for there of pixels luminous that they separate it of our reality. To know this world, to perceive its creative potentialities, we must interact with it. All the art is presentation of concepts, of proper codes and signals. Codes and signals that live dissimulated in one definitive physical support. The digital allow to create concepts without the object. To create art without materiality”. Jose Vieira (Curator’s Festival)
Exhibition (Madeira’s Biennale under selection):
FONLAD and UAVM Virtual Museum presents the selected artists to the 4th editon of the Digital Art Festival:Agricola de Cologne, Germany, "One Day on Mars", video (also selected to Madeira's Biennale)Ariane Maugery, France, "Erratic Meandering", video (also selected to Madeira's Biennale)Arthur Tuoto, Brazil, "Life is Coming", videoErika Fraenkel, Brazil, "Amendoa", videoFernando Velazquez, Uruguay, "Auto.Retrato (Self-Portrait in motion),video (also selected to Madeira's Biennale)Henry Gwiazda,USA, "Claudia and Paul", 3D video (also selected to Madeira's Biennale)Irina Eduardovna, Russia, "Pool" and "A Room", 2 videos (also selected to Madeira's Biennale)Jen-Kuang Chang,Taiwan, "Drishti II", video (also selected to Madeira's Biennale)José Pedro-Reis, video (also selected to Madeira's Biennale)Kevin Logan, England, "Recitation", videoLemeh42 group,Italy, "Study...", video (also selected to Madeira's Biennale)Shawn Lawson,USA, "Effervescense", animation (also selected to Madeira's Biennale)Gruppo Sinestetico,Italy, video (also selected to Madeira's Biennale)Ulf Kristiansen,Norway, "The Art Reception", 3D videoAntónio Azenha,Portugal, photography (also selected to Madeira's Biennale)Inês Manta,Portugal, photography (also selected to Madeira's Biennale)Jorge Simões,Portugal, photography (also selected to Madeira's Biennale)Maro (Macarena Cebrian),Chile, digital painting (also selected to Madeira's Biennale)Marco Bonvini,Italy, "Male and female...", photographyPenousada Machado,Portugal, digital processing photography (robotic art) (also selected to Madeira's Biennale)Boskizzi,Italy, "Red Life", photography (also selected to Madeira's Biennale)JudsoN,USA, "The synthetic Machine", web artJason Nelson,US/Aust., "Game, game, game...", web artFabian Gilles,Mexico, "Foxiland", web artDaniel Hanai,Brazil, "Kinder Projeckt", web artCarlo Sansolo,Brazil, "Art Conquest", web artEspecially invited to the Madeira's Biennale:Ariel Artigas Severino, Uruguay, "The Scream", photographyBoskizzi, Italy, "Angel", photographyCecilia Urioste, Brazil, "Panic", photographyJosé Higino, Portugal, "Lacrima", photographyJessica Gomula, US, "Sigmunds...", photographyPaulo Corte Real, Portugal, "Trojan", digital paintingPato, Portugal, "Todos diferentes...", digital paintingVicky Brago Mitchell, US, "Microbios", 3d software
FONLAD – AAA ARCA-EUACRua Carolina Michaellis, 73F – 4º3030-324 COIMBRAPORTUGAL
ITALIANO FONLAD #4_08 1 Sept. - 31 novembre 08 Madera - il Portogallo La Studenti Associazione del Vegliardo delle Arti l'Università di Coimbra con la collaborazione dell'IC azzera Associazione e l'UAVM Museo Virtuale presenta la 4 Edizione di FONLAD, il Su Linea Festa digital art. L'evento conterà con una galleria virtuale di presentazione di proposte artistiche, un bollettino d'informazione, e l'una esposizione al Biennal di Madera - il Portogallo. Creare arte senza la materialità”. Jose Vieira (la Festa di Amministratore)
Esposizione ( Biennale di Madera sotto selezione):
FONLAD and UAVM Virtual Museum presents the selected artists to the 4th editon of the Digital Art Festival:Agricola de Cologne, Germany, "One Day on Mars", video (also selected to Madeira's Biennale)Ariane Maugery, France, "Erratic Meandering", video (also selected to Madeira's Biennale)Arthur Tuoto, Brazil, "Life is Coming", videoErika Fraenkel, Brazil, "Amendoa", videoFernando Velazquez, Uruguay, "Auto.Retrato móvil"(Self-Portrait in motion),video(also selected to Madeira's Biennale)Henry Gwiazda, USA, "Claudia and Paul", 3D video (also selected to Madeira's Biennale)Irina Eduardovna, Russia, "Pool" and "A Room", 2 videos (also selected to Madeira's Biennale)Jen-Kuang Chang, Taiwan, "Drishti II", video (also selected to Madeira's Biennale)José Pedro-Reis, video (also selected to Madeira's Biennale)Kevin Logan, England, "Recitation", videoLemeh42 group, Italy, "Study...", video (also selected to Madeira's Biennale)Shawn Lawson, USA, "Effervescense", animation (also selected to Madeira's Biennale)Gruppo Sinestetico, Italy, video (also selected to Madeira's Biennale)Ulf Kristiansen, Norway, "The Art Reception", 3D videoAntónio Azenha, Portugal, photography (also selected to Madeira's Biennale)Inês Manta, Portugal, photography (also selected to Madeira's Biennale)Jorge Simões, Portugal, photography (also selected to Madeira's Biennale)Maro (Macarena Cebrian), Chile, digital painting (also selected to Madeira's Biennale)Marco Bonvini, Italy, "Male and female...", photographyPenousada Machado, Portugal, digital processing photography (robotic art) (also selected to Madeira's Biennale)Boskizzi, Italy, "Red Life", photography (also selected to Madeira's Biennale)JudsoN, USA, "The synthetic Machine", web artJason Nelson, US/Aust., "Game, game, game...", web artFabian Gilles, Mexico, "Foxiland", web artDaniel Hanai, Brazil, "Kinder Projeckt", web artCarlo Sansolo, Brazil, "Art Conquest", web artEspecially invited to the Madeira's Biennale:Ariel Artigas Severino, Uruguay, "The Scream", photographyBoskizzi, Italy, "Angel", photographyCecilia Urioste, Brazil, "Panic", photographyJosé Higino, Portugal, "Lacrima", photographyJessica Gomula, US, "Sigmunds...", photographyPaulo Corte Real, Portugal, "Trojan", digital paintingPato, Portugal, "Todos diferentes...", digital paintingVicky Brago Mitchell, US, "Microbios", 3d software
it is present :
FONLAD #4 _ 08
1 Setembro - 31 Novembro 08
(MIAB)Bienal Internacional da Madeira, Portugal
FONLAB # 4 ,FONLAD - O festival se divide em uma exposição digital na Bienal Internacional de Arte da Madeira (MIAB), entre 1 de Setembro e 13 de Outubro em Coimbra, Portugal, e uma versão virtual do mesmo que permanecerá on line até 31 de Novembro.
A Associação dos Antigos Alunos da Arca-Euac, com colaboração da IC zero – Associação Cultural e o Museu Virtual do Artista Desconhecido, apresenta a quarta edição do FONLAD – Festival on line de Artes Digitais. O evento, no corrente ano, conta com uma exposição virtual no UAVM e uma exposição física na Bienal da Madeira.
FONLAD #4_081 Sept. - 31 November 08Madeira - Portugal
The FONLAD's exhibition program present us this year with a new show at MIAB, the Madeira's International Art Biennale, between 1st September to 13th October 08. The virtual exhibition will be extended untill 31 November 08.
The Ancient’s Students Association of the Arts University of Coimbra with the collaboration of the IC zero Association and the UAVM Virtual Museum presents the 4th Edition of FONLAD, the On Line Festival for Digital Arts.The event will count whith a virtual gallery of presentation of artistic proposals, a newsletter, and one exhibition at Madeira’s Biennal - Portugal.
“In the extensive world present in thousands of computer networks , that bind us to all world, the Internet is not only assumed as an important one half of artistic but also creative spreading. Figuring itself as an occult world to look for (the digital world needs an interlocutor to be apprehended, in general a computer monitor) one another world (virtual and not real) if glimpses for there of pixels luminous that they separate it of our reality. To know this world, to perceive its creative potentialities, we must interact with it. All the art is presentation of concepts, of proper codes and signals. Codes and signals that live dissimulated in one definitive physical support. The digital allow to create concepts without the object. To create art without materiality”. Jose Vieira (Curator’s Festival)
Exhibition (Madeira’s Biennale under selection):
FONLAD and UAVM Virtual Museum presents the selected artists to the 4th editon of the Digital Art Festival:Agricola de Cologne, Germany, "One Day on Mars", video (also selected to Madeira's Biennale)Ariane Maugery, France, "Erratic Meandering", video (also selected to Madeira's Biennale)Arthur Tuoto, Brazil, "Life is Coming", videoErika Fraenkel, Brazil, "Amendoa", videoFernando Velazquez, Uruguay, "Auto.Retrato (Self-Portrait in motion),video (also selected to Madeira's Biennale)Henry Gwiazda,USA, "Claudia and Paul", 3D video (also selected to Madeira's Biennale)Irina Eduardovna, Russia, "Pool" and "A Room", 2 videos (also selected to Madeira's Biennale)Jen-Kuang Chang,Taiwan, "Drishti II", video (also selected to Madeira's Biennale)José Pedro-Reis, video (also selected to Madeira's Biennale)Kevin Logan, England, "Recitation", videoLemeh42 group,Italy, "Study...", video (also selected to Madeira's Biennale)Shawn Lawson,USA, "Effervescense", animation (also selected to Madeira's Biennale)Gruppo Sinestetico,Italy, video (also selected to Madeira's Biennale)Ulf Kristiansen,Norway, "The Art Reception", 3D videoAntónio Azenha,Portugal, photography (also selected to Madeira's Biennale)Inês Manta,Portugal, photography (also selected to Madeira's Biennale)Jorge Simões,Portugal, photography (also selected to Madeira's Biennale)Maro (Macarena Cebrian),Chile, digital painting (also selected to Madeira's Biennale)Marco Bonvini,Italy, "Male and female...", photographyPenousada Machado,Portugal, digital processing photography (robotic art) (also selected to Madeira's Biennale)Boskizzi,Italy, "Red Life", photography (also selected to Madeira's Biennale)JudsoN,USA, "The synthetic Machine", web artJason Nelson,US/Aust., "Game, game, game...", web artFabian Gilles,Mexico, "Foxiland", web artDaniel Hanai,Brazil, "Kinder Projeckt", web artCarlo Sansolo,Brazil, "Art Conquest", web artEspecially invited to the Madeira's Biennale:Ariel Artigas Severino, Uruguay, "The Scream", photographyBoskizzi, Italy, "Angel", photographyCecilia Urioste, Brazil, "Panic", photographyJosé Higino, Portugal, "Lacrima", photographyJessica Gomula, US, "Sigmunds...", photographyPaulo Corte Real, Portugal, "Trojan", digital paintingPato, Portugal, "Todos diferentes...", digital paintingVicky Brago Mitchell, US, "Microbios", 3d software
FONLAD – AAA ARCA-EUACRua Carolina Michaellis, 73F – 4º3030-324 COIMBRAPORTUGAL
ITALIANO FONLAD #4_08 1 Sept. - 31 novembre 08 Madera - il Portogallo La Studenti Associazione del Vegliardo delle Arti l'Università di Coimbra con la collaborazione dell'IC azzera Associazione e l'UAVM Museo Virtuale presenta la 4 Edizione di FONLAD, il Su Linea Festa digital art. L'evento conterà con una galleria virtuale di presentazione di proposte artistiche, un bollettino d'informazione, e l'una esposizione al Biennal di Madera - il Portogallo. Creare arte senza la materialità”. Jose Vieira (la Festa di Amministratore)
Esposizione ( Biennale di Madera sotto selezione):
FONLAD and UAVM Virtual Museum presents the selected artists to the 4th editon of the Digital Art Festival:Agricola de Cologne, Germany, "One Day on Mars", video (also selected to Madeira's Biennale)Ariane Maugery, France, "Erratic Meandering", video (also selected to Madeira's Biennale)Arthur Tuoto, Brazil, "Life is Coming", videoErika Fraenkel, Brazil, "Amendoa", videoFernando Velazquez, Uruguay, "Auto.Retrato móvil"(Self-Portrait in motion),video(also selected to Madeira's Biennale)Henry Gwiazda, USA, "Claudia and Paul", 3D video (also selected to Madeira's Biennale)Irina Eduardovna, Russia, "Pool" and "A Room", 2 videos (also selected to Madeira's Biennale)Jen-Kuang Chang, Taiwan, "Drishti II", video (also selected to Madeira's Biennale)José Pedro-Reis, video (also selected to Madeira's Biennale)Kevin Logan, England, "Recitation", videoLemeh42 group, Italy, "Study...", video (also selected to Madeira's Biennale)Shawn Lawson, USA, "Effervescense", animation (also selected to Madeira's Biennale)Gruppo Sinestetico, Italy, video (also selected to Madeira's Biennale)Ulf Kristiansen, Norway, "The Art Reception", 3D videoAntónio Azenha, Portugal, photography (also selected to Madeira's Biennale)Inês Manta, Portugal, photography (also selected to Madeira's Biennale)Jorge Simões, Portugal, photography (also selected to Madeira's Biennale)Maro (Macarena Cebrian), Chile, digital painting (also selected to Madeira's Biennale)Marco Bonvini, Italy, "Male and female...", photographyPenousada Machado, Portugal, digital processing photography (robotic art) (also selected to Madeira's Biennale)Boskizzi, Italy, "Red Life", photography (also selected to Madeira's Biennale)JudsoN, USA, "The synthetic Machine", web artJason Nelson, US/Aust., "Game, game, game...", web artFabian Gilles, Mexico, "Foxiland", web artDaniel Hanai, Brazil, "Kinder Projeckt", web artCarlo Sansolo, Brazil, "Art Conquest", web artEspecially invited to the Madeira's Biennale:Ariel Artigas Severino, Uruguay, "The Scream", photographyBoskizzi, Italy, "Angel", photographyCecilia Urioste, Brazil, "Panic", photographyJosé Higino, Portugal, "Lacrima", photographyJessica Gomula, US, "Sigmunds...", photographyPaulo Corte Real, Portugal, "Trojan", digital paintingPato, Portugal, "Todos diferentes...", digital paintingVicky Brago Mitchell, US, "Microbios", 3d software
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