September 2012

Christine A. Tarantino - Hjuler BROTKATZE collaborations on exhibit at FzKKe Gallery, Germany, Sept. 1 - 30, 2012.

With the Blood of a Daylily - Poems & Drawings by the Homeless Poet by Christine A. Tarantino, published by Words of Light:

THESE HANDS PRAY FOR GERONIMO, a visual poem of American Indians, by Christine A. Tarantino, published by Words of Light:

Christine A. Tarantino's ECDYSIS, snake skin artist book exhibited with 99 other book artists in Italy, curated by Maddalena Castegnaro.

Christine A. Tarantino, Sign and Language Group Exhibit, Open Stal, The Netherlands.

Christine A. Tarantino series of 40,"Being Human"
published by Redfoxpress, Assembling Box #20,

RED LIPS - What is Your Version for Me? by Christine Tarantino is published by Words of Light now available in print or eBook formats. New version includes ALL 42 artists from 13 countries plus additional text and images by Christine Tarantino.

August internet art exhibit @ CHRISTINE TARANTINO
features artist STEVE RANDOM.

WORDS OF LIGHT BOOKS, Art Publications By
Contemporary Artists, new blog offering various format books
published by Christine A. Tarantino.

Christine A. Tarantino/Words of Light publishes THE
by Walter Festuccia.

Christine Tarantino, "Instant Person 1 & 2", self-portraits with Polaroid Camera for POLAROID MADNESS, project of Franticham, Ireland. On-line exhibit and exhibition Kassel, Germany during the DOCUMENTA 2012. "INSTANT PEOPLE"250 polaroid self-portraits by 175 artists from 22 countries.11.– 23. Juli 2012 Zur Eröffnung der Ausstellung am Mittwoch, dem 11. Juli 2012 ab 19 Uhr möchten wir Sie und Ihre Freunde herzlich in denKasseler KunstvereinWerner-Hilpert-Straße 2334117 Kassel, einladen.

Christine A. TARANTINO, "Ecdysis" artist book exhibited at Villa Excelsa, Sannicola, Italia. Curator, Maddalena Castegnaro
Opening night:

July internet art exhibit @ Christine Tarantino Collection features Anna Banana, Darlene Altschul, & John Mountain.

"THESE HANDS" call for entries, newest project from Christine TARANTINO.

June internet art exhibit @ Christine Tarantino Collection features Antoni Miró.

"Fear No NewNew Art" artist book published by Redfoxpress, Assembling Box #19, Ireland.

"E-mail Between the Artist & Her Lover" artist book exhibited Villa Giulia, Italia. Curator Marisa Cortese.

"WHO AM I?" artist book exhibited Mostra Internazionale, Italia. Curator Virginia Milici.

"RED LIPS of Christine Tarantino", art booklet by Bruno Chiarlone published in Italy.

May internet art exhibit @ CHRISTINE TARANTINO COLLECTION features artist RYOSUKE COHEN.

Christine TARANTINO, "RED LIPS FOR DALAI LAMA" exhibition @ INviso, Padiglione TIBET, AssociazioneSal Viana frazione Saliana Pianello del Lario (CO)curated by Ruggero Maggi.

April internet art exhibit @ CHRISTINE TARANTINO COLLECTION features artists Daniel C. Boyer and Richard Canard.

Christine Tarantino, "NEWNEW ART Mono-Prints"
published in"Franticham's Fluxus Assembling Box Nr 18",
Redfoxpress, IRELAND.

DODODADIANI featured this month
in internet art exhibit at Christine Tarantino Collection. Dododadiani
internet art exhibit

RED LIPS Project: What is your
version for me? Send or RED LIPS, Box
121, Wendell, MA 01379 USA
"Sometimes I need red apple. Sometimes I need
redlips."-- Nam June Paik
Your RED LIPS art modification will yield
online documentation, maileddocumentation, and potential publication. Please
include a mailing address withyour submission.

Christine Tarantino, "Better Together: Harmony; Radiance; Consciousness; Evolution", International Mother Language Day Art Exhibit, Kathmandu, NEPAL, by invitation of Rafique Sulayman, Curator.

Christine Tarantino, "Flux-USA Gallery of Stars with Lucy Chew Intervention" exhibited in Group Show: Fluxfest Chicago 2012 (Chicago, USA) FROM THE ARCHIVE Mailart and Fluxus from the archives of Fluxus/St. Louis. Opening reception Chicago Art Institute, Joan Flasch Library.

February online art exhibits from 'The Christine Tarantino Collection' features Guido Vermeulen and Gerson Wenglinski this month, both artists from Belgium.

Christine Tarantino, "RED-BERRY Series" published in "Franticham's Fluxus Assembling Box Nr 17", Redfoxpress, IRELAND.

FAX Exhibit, The DeVos Art Museum, Michigan, USA, curated by Ribas; organized by The Drawing Center and ICI, NYC. TARANTINO "I of the EYE-FAX", asemic writing series:

Wooden Postcard Exhibit, Stehekin Post Office, Stehekin, Washington, USA. Christine Tarantino work:

Christine Tarantino, "PhotoBooth" work published in new book, "Photobooth Performances" by Ginny Lloyd.

Christine Tarantino, Mail Art and Video Performance at Galleriea Terre Rare, Bologna, Italy, January 28 - February 8, 2012. Project of Maurizio Follin, Italia.

Christine Tarantino, RED LIPS for Dalai Lama, collage exhibited at Venice Biennial Tibet Pavilion – Palazzo delle Esposizioni Sala Nervi - Torino, project of Ruggero Maggi, Milan, Italy.

Christine Tarantino exhibited at Foundation IK New Year Celebration Exhibit "I WISH", The Netherlands, by invitation of Ko de Jonge.

The Christine Tarantino Collection, newest Christine Tarantino art blog started on January 1, 2012. Showcasing selected works from my 20 year collection of works on paper from artists around the globe.

Christine Tarantino-Hjuler BROTKATZE Collaboration exhibited at GALERIE "Offenes Atelier D.U. Design", Austria, Barbara Rapp, Curator.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Richard Canard, USA

Chevalier Daniel C. Boyer, USA

Eduardo Calvo Sans, ARGENTINA



Siguen los preparativos para la FIESTA ROJA del 16nov08 en el Parque Hudson de Florencio Varela, celebrando mis 60 años (“comienzo de la edad de mayor felicidad”, según la tradición KANREKI japonesa – ).

Sería bueno vernos todos vestidos de ROJO, con alguna prenda ROJA o –al menos- con algún distitivo ROJO.

Inauguraremos un mirador en el cenit del MONUMENTO A LA GENTE ( ).

Para el 16nov08 contá con un OMNIBUS. Desde ACOYTE al 100, una cuadra de José María Moreno y Rivadavia en Caballito, a las 11 de la mañana. Calculamos volver a las 19 hs.

En encontrarás una secuencia fotográfica mostrando cómo llegar en automóvil, junto a un texto también para imprimir ( ).

Te recuerdo que el MONUMENTO A LA GENTE del Parque Hudson es una construcción piramidal -tierra, papel y vegetación-, en permanente transformación desde el 23abr05 y hasta el fin de los tiempos. Un homenaje a quienes estamos liquidando nuestra civilización quemando petróleo, gas y carbón.

Adelante con los faroles. Hasta la victoria siempre, … siempre que no llueva una barbaridad la fiesta se hace igual.
Lic Eduardo CALVO SANS

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Bruno Capatti, ITALIA

Dear Cristine, I send to you the translation of the text BXA

BrunoBXA project by Bruno Capatti

I conceive Mail Art as a meta-comunication with aesthetic function so Mail Art concerns all that is communication and its mechanism in terms of aesthetical experimentation.In that way it’s possible to think about alternative, horizontal and symphathetical way of communication.My projects has always been and regards still now investigations about propteries, characteristic and opportunities of Mail Art.In every project I tried to go always deeper in a particular process, tecnique or point of the work.As regards the BXA project ( BXA stands for Bruno capatti Xero-basis Alterations ) started in 1990 (1), the main idea that aimed the work concerned the thorough examination of ‘ADD & PASS’ projects and how well document that work so I can say that BNETzine is the result of this documentation, artzine (2), Network and Personal Bruno’s Net (3).The editor of such a work is in a word a person who co-ordinates a process that involves many people and that keep all that the net of ‘Add & Pass’ produce.In conclusion zine is the informative bulletin of all is happening but only people that intervene on the base know something about it (4).The ‘Add & Pass’ project hasn’t been choose by chance but it’s due to the first Mail Art (5) with the intention of capture it’s deepest meaning.First of all in all of these projects we are overcoming an individualistical conception of the artist in favour of an idea of artist who is meaning singularity that become part of a creative stream.The overcoming of the self as a way of searching the ‘comprension’ is one of the assumption of the ZEN philosophy that importance has influenced all the movements in wich Mail Art has been developed in the 60 ies (6).By the ‘Add & Pass’ pj it’s possible to come back to the basics and recovering that such basis I have transposed all that in my performance (7).So it’s not a case that in the initial base the central image is one of my selfportrait as Ray has already done.That imagine changes quickly up to disappear for giving space to someonelse (9).All this is something more of what is the meaning of work of art. The work of art become ‘endless’, every step is not final, every passage crew to another, going so far of their basics in a kind of cycle of continous revival.All this is not a pure process as can be think but something objectively new. There isn’t the final overcoming of the object but the reaching of it’s maximum limit that probably is insuperable.At the beginning the work was aimed to follow all the work transformations creating by this evolutive’s tables that schematise the multiple ways in ways which the work of art can envelope or voyage (10).Because of many difficulties this kind of work have had a stop after a public exposure at the Decentralized Worldwide Networker Congress of Ravenna in 1992.The almost 2500 interventions received by now have been collected at the Mail Art Archives at Dogato (FE), Italy (11).Note1.Started in 1990, the project restarted again in 1997 after a stop between the ’93-‘97’s. The Basis elaborations have yet always circulated.2.Artzine – laboratory-review of aesthetical project was the name of my first heading of micro-magazine dedicated at Mail Art (1986).3.One of the main characteristics of BNETzine is which of maintain the mail letter model with the aim of underline even more their mail nature. Every envelope is decorated with self made stamps that refers at the contents of current BNETzine. In regards of my stamps production see also John Held Jr., L'ARTE DEL TIMBRO - Rubber Stamp Art, AAA ed. pp. 40-43.In 2000 BNETzine had also a brief appendix in the web but nothing go on. the new edition of BNETzine (since 2000), it can be find all About BXA project and something about my personal Net : meetings, performance situations, event about Mail Art Network; where you can find other web site, expositions or meeting informations about BXA project or BNETzine. In that new edition it can also be finded the survey RAY CLUB, LETTER BOX COLLECTION, BNETfriends and so on.5.In his “ ARTE POSTALE” Vittore Baroni has catched the connection between BXA pj and the Ray’s work – pp. 126-127. For Vittore those are Chained Projects. Vittore Baroni “Arte Postale—Guida al network della corrispondenza creativa” ’97, AAA refers at Cage work, at New-DADA, Happenings and at the FLUXUS that regarded Ray.7.The relation between my personal experience and ZEN culture has gone always deeper participating at SHODO session, the way of writing, realized by the Japanese master Norio Nagayama.8.The basic was on a A4 Photocopy with in the centre my face inside a frame and above written “artslides”, All this was in a little setting where there was put the request “alter, pass and send a copy to” and the address where to send the work. From this other Networkers made many B basics. Also Ray participated at the project and I spoke about this in a meeting in Florence in 1998 called “Quello spirito folletto di Ray Johnson”. Can be look in the Artpool of Budapest website: this can be linked a critical vision of art system , of the communication and more in general of the capitalist society. For this reason ‘Add & Pass pj’ can be connected with the neoist projects of multiple names Monty Cantsin, Luther Blisset, WU MING.10.The elaboration also regarded typological tablrs of different ways of intervention/alteration.11.MAIL ART ARCHIVES, via Bordocchia 69, 44020 Dogato (FE), Italy

Richard Canard, USA

Wm. Gruters, USA

In The End All That Matters Is Love

In The End All That Matters Is Love, 2008, collage with found/discarded/organic materials, 8 1/2 x 11 inches.


For Bruno Chiarlone at

Jorge Ivan Restrepo, HONDURAS-COLUMBIA

Flores, Restrepo, Mejia and Altamirano in Canada

Monday, October 27, 2008

Tiziana Baracchi, ITALY

TIZIANA BARACCHI in the official stamps of Hungarian post
for my birthday, on July 8th, my horoscope stamps.

TIZIANA BARACCHI nei francobolli ufficiali delle poste ungheresi
emissione per il mio compleanno, serie il mio oroscopo


via CAVALLOTTI 83B30171


Sunday, October 26, 2008

Peter Kuestermann, GERMANY

"WELCOME to our yearly BIG mailart & PERFORMANCE- FESTIVAL

"MAIL TRAIN"12-14 December 2008 with MAIL ART POST OFFICE AND OFFICIAL GERMAN MAILART STAMPS on the running historic PRUSSIAN TRAIN "PREUSSENZUG" , plus performance nights on 2 stages, plus 5 exhibitions

free hostel accomodation, rich meals at very low cost


angela+peter netmailpostfach 2644D 32383 MINDENGermoney Utd.

mobile 0049 (0)178 - 761 763"


Friday, 12.12.,15 hrs,
Praxis Dr. Schulz-Ruhtenberg, Scharn 7
Vernissage with State of Being (= Reid Wood), USA

Friday, 12.12.,20 hrs,
Kulturzentrum BÜZ, am Johanniskirchhof
Sketches, Short Films, and Performances, with Showmaster Rolf Mietke

Saturday, 13.12.,10-11 hrs,
inside Department Store Hertie, Bäckerstr. 61-67
German/Irisch unplugged with Antje and Roland Foresta

Saturday, 13.12., 13-16 hrs,
Museum-Railway MEM, Ringstr.115, Corner Stiftsallee
Mailart Exhibition inside historic Train Station Oberstadt, plus
Mobile Art Post Office on board historic Prussain Train with official Commemorative Stamp

Saturday, 13.12., 20 hrs,
Netmail-Archive, Corner Stage, Rosentalstr.12
Performance-Evening at Angela & Peter Netmails´ home

Sunday, 14.12.,10 hrs,
Victoria-Hotel, Markt 11
Vernissage with Karl-Friedrich Hacker,/Germany

Sunday, 14.12.,10 hrs, 14-15 hrs
inside Department Store Hertie, Bäckerstr. 61-67
Railway Romantics on the Steel Guitar with Harry Hirsch/Germany

Participants: Jurij Gik / Russia, + Alexander Charistos / Austria + I Santini del Prete and Renata & Giovanni Strada / Italy + Omar Perez Lopez / Cuba + Klara Skoljar, Antje & Roland Foresta, Harry Hirsch , Karl-Ffriedrich Hacker, Rüdax Abshalom Westphal , Petra Weimer ,Gisela Posch, Angela & Peter Netmail /Germany + Daniel de Culla with Maris & Isabel & Esther / Spain + Bernd Reichert and Sztuka Fabryka & Maria Luisa / Belgium + State of Being / USA and others

….and like every year:
free hostel accomodation for all artists,
plus 3 rich meals for only 8,- € per day,
but, sorry, no funds for travelling expenses

organized by: Angela & Peter Netmail,, fon 00491787617637

Welcome to Minden! Here´s your ARTIST´S INFORMATION. When you come,please watch our actual daily announcements for changes.

Friday 12. to Sunday 14. Dec 08, during the 25th Jubilee of Culture Center BÜZ, our PERFORMANCE + MAIL ART FESTIVAL 08 will take place in Minden ,organized by Angela and Peter Netmail with their team. You meet a lot of German and international artists here, in creative atmosphere of friendship. We are one hour from Hannover Airport in North Germany.

On the minimap at you can find our culture center “Johanniskirchhof” = BÜZ where we welcome you. It is a modernized medieval church building.

PROGRAM: All mail artists and performance artists are very welcome again. You may just be here as a visitor and enjoy, or participate actively on our stages. We prepare a very rich daily program again for you, just choose what you like. You are not expected to haste from one event to the other, however understand please that we will not be able to repeat scheduled events at later times, since they have all been prepared for long with great care by our many local partners who are looking forward to you.

Free entrance for you to our whole festival program. Some highlights:
-Friday afternoon join the champagne vernissage of State of Being´s Found-Objects-Show, the exhibition will continue several weeks.
-Friday evening join our Revue Show at BÜZ with popular showmaster Oswald von Wolkenstein. You can perform Friday or Saturday evening. Our showmasters decide the day and hour of your performance AFTER you have arrived here. Participants please use a whistle in your performances, which should last max. 7 minutes. We supply one real small whistle free to each of you for your performances, to keep as a souvenir afterwards.
-Saturday afternoon travel with us on the original 100yr-old Prussian Train, bring your artistamps for our Mobile Art Post Office on board, get the official Commemorative Stamp from German Mail only there. Enjoy our Mailart Exhibition MAILTRAIN inside the historic Train Station.
-Saturday evening join the reception at our home in the NETMAIL archive with Performances and Music on the Corner Stage.
-Sunday morning join the vernissage of Karl-Friedrich Hacker´s EROTIC COLOR LINOCUTS inside Minden´s only 5-star-hotel, this exhibition will alsocontinue several weeks.

We offer you free accommodation again at culture centre BÜZ, in army beds in the steeple of the historic church building. Dormitories will be open for you from Thursday 11 December 2008, 17.00 hrs (arrival day), until Monday 15 December, 10.00hrs (departure day) only. Early arrivals and late departures will be asked to help working. You need not bring your own sleeping bag. The free showers are again separately outside BÜZ. Or you can find your own accommodation at own cost at:, then: hotels. You have to book that yourself, we have no manpower for that and so cannot do it, and we recommend you do it very soon, because hotels are pretty full already. Please understand that we do our best for you, however our care for you starts when you arrive here. Please note also that all our indoor rooms are smoke-free again as a courtesy to the non-smokers

Full board again for only 8,- €uros per person per whole day (= 3 rich meals) at the Café de l´Opera from Thursday 18.00 hrs until Monday 8.30 hrs only. The café is open for you every day until very late in the night as a cosy and comfortable meeting place. Outside the 3 daily buffet times you pay there your drinks yourself. During meals you meet most friends together for exchange of experience and personal gifts, and our team have time then to talk with you about arrangements, especially the moderators of our performance hours.

After the festival a complete documentary film of the whole festival including the performances will be sent free to every participant as usual. Plus those of you who participate in the mail art project receive a documentation as usual.

With low cost airlines like you can book your flight yourself, via internet. You find more very cheap flights from all over Europe at , and at , also from outside Europe. Laura e.g. paid only 19 €uros from Venice/Italy to Hannover, which is only 1 hour train ride from Minden, or try the railway in English and many other languages at for special offers, e.g. for 29,-€ from Amsterdam. It is worth trying. You have to book that yourself, we cannot do or pay for it, and may we recommend you do it very soon, because flights and trains are filling up early.

If you should have more questions, you can reach Peter personally at Phone 0049 178 761 763 7 and at Please use only these contacts and rely on us from the Festival Team. We are responsible for you. The employees of Culture Centre BÜZ cannot deal with your requests. They are helpful once you will arrive, but they are not familiar with project details now and have lots of other duties. We do hope all this helps you feel real good in Minden and to have a great time. We are curious to see you and your art and promise to do our best to make you feel home again. Yours cordially, Angela & Peter Netmail and their Festival Team .


Freitag, 12.12.,15 Uhr,
Praxis Dr. Schulz-Ruhtenberg, Scharn 7
„100 TAGE IN 100 FUNDSACHEN“, Vernissage
Fund-Objekte von und mit Reid Wood, USA

Freitag, 12.12., 20 Uhr,
Kulturzentrum BÜZ, am Johanniskirchhof
Revue aus Sketchen, Kurzfilmen und Performances
mit Jurij Gik / Russland, + Alexander Charistos / Österreich + I Santini del Prete und Renata & Giovanni Strada / Italy + Omar Perez Lopez / Cuba + Klara Skoljar, Antje & Roland Foresta, Harry Hirsch, Karl-Friedrich Hacker, Rüdax Abshalom Westphal, Petra Weimer, Gisela Posch, Angela & Peter Netmail /Deutschland + Daniel de Culla mit Marisa & Isabel & Esther / Spanien + Bernd Reichert und Sztuka Fabryka & Maria Luisa / Belgien + State of Being / USA

Samstag, 13.12.,10-11 Uhr,
im Kaufhaus Hertie, Bäckerstr. 61-67
„FOLK FOR FRIENDS“ von schwäbisch bis irisch
mit Antje und Roland Foresta unplugged

Samstag, 13.12., 13-16 Uhr,
Museums-Eisenbahn, Ringstr.115, Ecke Stiftsallee
„MAIL TRAIN“ Postkunstausstellung im Bahnhof Oberstadt
Fahrendes Kunstpostamt im Preußenzug mit Sonderstempel

Samstag, 13.12., 20 Uhr,
Netmail-Archiv, Bühne im Erker
nur mit persönlicher Einladung

Sonntag, 14.12.,10 Uhr
Victoria-Hotel, Markt 11
Vernissage von und mit Karl-Friedrich Hacker, Itzehoe

Sonntag, 14.12.,14-15 Uhr (verkaufsoffen),
im Kaufhaus Hertie, Bäckerstr. 61-67
„FREIGHT TRAIN“ mit Harry Hirsch
Eisenbahn-Romantik auf der Steel Guitar

Messenger Online Treff: Spontan chatten, über Hobbies reden, sofort Spass haben? Jetzt klicken!
Speichern Sie Ihre Daten von überall! Kostenlos: Die Festplatte im Netz mit 5 GB Speicher!
Zeigen Sie es Ihren Freunden! Erstellen Sie kostenlos Fotoalben und Diashows in Ihrem Space!
Zeigen Sie es Ihren Freunden! Erstellen Sie kostenlos Fotoalben und Diashows in Ihrem Space!
hasEML = false;

Richard Canard, USA

R. Emolo, USA


This link will post REAL news that is good/uplifting/humanitarian.

Hello all,

I'm at 5 Morse Village Road, on the common, and I'm sorry to have to report that this morning I found a cat that has died, apparently peacefully, in my back yard. It is a calico with white, gray, and light brown, and it has a purple collar with a brass bell. I have to work today, but I have marked the location with an orange bucket and extend a sympathetic welcome to the owners should they want to come. I will, of course, respectfully bury the cat if the owner is not located, or if the owner wishes me to do so. My number is xxx-xxxx.


Keith Buchholz, USA

Keith Buchholz, USA

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Tiziana Baracchi, ITALY

Mario Loprete, ITALIA

Mario Loprete LIBERA NOS A MALO a cura di Alberto Mattia Martini e Augusto Piccioni
catalogo Edizioni L'Idioma 8-29 novembre 2008 inaugurazione sabato 8 novembre ore 18,00

ll quesito che ne potrebbe scaturire, osservando i lavori di Mario Loprete è del perché un'artista italiano abbia deciso di dedicare la propria ricerca artistica degli ultimi sei anni ad una tematica apparentemente così distante, sia geograficamente che socialmente dalla realtà nella quale egli vive. È veramente Mario Loprete nato in Italia, realtà effettivamente dissimile da quella americana nella quale è nata la così detta cultura hip-hop? Possiamo affermare con estrema certezza che Loprete è italiano, nato a Catanzaro, dove si è formato e dove tutt'ora vive. Questo tuttavia non aiuta a risolvere il quesito iniziale, anzi ne alimenta i dubbi e le curiosità.Prendendola come si dice alla lontana, è ormai assodato, che la culla dell'umanità sia l'Africa e quindi che i nostri progenitori non avevano di sicuro la pelle bianca e che di conseguenza un po' di "sangue nero" scorre nelle vene di ognuno di noi. Non ne farei comunque una questione solo di pelle o per lo meno solo di esteriorità o estetica, in quanto il lavoro di Mario Loprete è un indagine concentrata ed indirizzata ad inoltrarsi in ben più reconditi territori umani."Sono terribilmente e morbosamente attratto dalle persone di colore, li ritraggo con massima intensità emotiva. La figura umana è affascinante da ritrarre, ma le persone di colore sono una sfida, sono molto espressive e sono a mio avviso, l'incarnazione e la materializzazione dell'Anima". Dalle parole dello stesso artista appare emergere immediatamente l'interesse, direi anche la curiosità e l'attrazione non solo fisica, ma introspettiva, per l'uomo di colore. Loprete parla di Anima, volutamente con la A maiuscola, per rafforzare e ampliare il ruolo dell'aspetto spirituale nella sua ricerca, del peso imprescindibile che l'introspezione, l'esplorazione del sé, ha da sempre impegnato non solo il suo lavoro, ma la vita di tutti i giorni.Sempre ad una superficiale interpretazione il fatto che lo stesso artista calabrese si definisca ateo, potrebbe apparire come un controsenso; a mio avviso invece questa sua "infedeltà" lo rende più libero da preconcetti e vincoli, che inevitabilmente il culto e la devozione comportano. Come è noto l'hip-hop nasce negli anni '70 a New York e più esattamente in uno dei luoghi più degradati e socialmente problematici: il Bronx. Una società, una realtà multietnica, dove oltre ad essere molte le difficoltà sono numerose anche le diversità, le etnie, gli stili di vita, le attività, le religioni.Certamente anche le influenze che danno vita all'hip-hop sono molteplici, tra queste la cultura africana e i generi musicali come il funk, il dub, il blues e il soul o musica dell'anima; un'anima che quindi non solo non ha mai abbandonato lo spirito degli uomini di colore, ma è radicata da sempre nel territorio delle sensibili emozioni. L'indagine sociale di cui abbiamo accennato precedentemente una volta osservate le opere di Loprete, prende forma e si dispiega nella realtà americana, tra la gente e i luoghi dove è nato questo movimento artistico-musicale. I così detti "B-Boy" sono colti nei loro comportamenti quotidiani, nell'atteggiamento, nelle movenze, nella inconfondibile ed inimitabile gestualità ed espressività corporea, nella intenzionale "abbondanza" dell'abbigliamento, con quel cappellino da baseball immancabile sulle teste e perennemente posto con la visiera o su un lato o dietro la nuca, ma mai in posizione centrale sulla fronte. Le creature di Loprete non sono solamente cappucci di tute, cannoniere, t-shirt, catene d'oro e fisici scultorei, sono passioni, desideri, timori, paure, speranze, sorrisi, violenza, disagio, insofferenza, amore, amicizia, vita e morte, che si rincorrono ogni giorno tra le streets delle metropoli.Dallo sguardo, dai volti di questi personaggi traspaiono forti emozioni, individui che come si dice in questi casi "hanno vissuto", non si sono sicuramente risparmiati negli eccessi e nella ricerca di una dignità, indipendenza, libertà e parità, che molto spesso gli viene negata e che nella maggior parte dei casi non avranno mai come compagna di vita.L'espressione nella quale Loprete immerge sé stesso è quella di chi da ormai molto tempo conosce e avverte anche le minime vibrazioni delle "sue" creature, volti, figure colte nella loro integrità con uno sguardo più vicino a quello di un fotografo; l'istante, gioca con le suggestioni, la visione di colui che ritrae e si immerge nell'unicità dell' attimo che fugge carpendo e "rubando" la singolarità del soggetto descritto. L'occhio è quello del fotografo, ma la tecnica ad olio è quella di chi con estrema precisione comunicativa non smarrisce nessun dettaglio, che possa risultare dotato d'importanza per poter istaurare un dialogo tra reale e irreale, tra protagonista dell'opera e fruitore.Pochi di loro ce la fanno, la musica e lo sport, sono i mezzi grazie ai quali ai "ragazzi neri" è permesso di accedere alla società che conta: "Hanno rotto le catene ed ora mettono la palla dentro", afferma Loprete. Ma questi, i cosiddetti nuovi ricchi, personaggi dello spettacolo, del mondo dello sport, che diventano protagonisti delle pagine dei rotocalchi del gossip, sono solo una minima parte rispetto alla stragrande maggioranza di ragazzi, che non solo negli Stati Uniti vivono ai margini della società. Il discorso e l'analisi intrapresa da Mario Loprete si amplia e accede a realtà, che ci riguardano da vicino, con le quali giornalmente conviviamo senza accorgercene o peggio ancora facendo finta di nulla, come se non esistessero. Il diverso, si sa, fa paura e quindi è meglio o che muoia a casa sua o che se proprio deve vivere nella "mia" città , nel mio ambiente lo faccia senza darmi fastidio in modo che io possa fare finta che non esista. Ecco che il razzismo si insinua tra le viscere della società passando da una parte all'altra senza distinguo: bianco contro nero, che poi diventa nero contro bianco, cattolico contro mussulmano e viceversa e quindi tutti contro tutti, "aspettando" il morto, come è accaduto alcuni giorni or sono a Milano. Giochi duri, violenti, che come sottolinea Loprete nella serie delle Pistole, assumono il nome di donna, divenendo compagne di vita a volte più fedeli e importanti delle vere fidanzate. I believe, io credo in qualche cosa che mi possa aiutare a trovare la soluzione a tutto ciò, che un giorno, il più prossimo possibile possa liberarmi dallo scenario di fattezze militari nelle quali vivo. Mi muovo, mi racconto, congiungo le mani e poi le allargo, ti indico, ti osservo, ma per te è come se non esistessi, come se tu guardando attraverso di me vedessi solamente lo sfondo nel quale vivo. Io credo che il rispetto non debba essere nell'integrazione che ne annulli l'identità e che obblighi l'altro a essere come me, ma in quanto credente nell'uomo e nell'umanità devo bilateralmente credere e riconoscere chiunque, in modo che possa mantenere e accrescere la propria specificità.Alberto Mattia Martini Orari : feriali 18,00-20,00 festivi 10,30-12,00 mail è inviata in CCN ad amici , collezionisti, galleristi, critici ,redazioni , non contiene ne pubblicità ne' promozione di tipo commerciale. Pur cosciente che e-mail indesiderate sono oggetto di disturbo, umilmente porgo le mie scuse se la presente non è di Suo interesse; il mio intento è di promuovere la mia attività artistica , ma in ottemperanza alle norme sulla Privacy (art.7 - D.L. 196 del 30-6-2003), ognuno può comunicare correzioni o l'eventuale rifiuto a ricevere ulteriori messaggi. Sarà mia premura eliminare l'indirizzo dalla mia rubrica Questo messaggio non può essere considerato SPAM poichè include la possibilità di essere rimosso da ulteriori invii di posta elettronica. Qualora non intendesse ricevere ulteriori comunicazioni La invito ad inviare una risposta all'indirizzo <> con oggetto: CANCELLAMI

Enrico Rizzoli, ITALIA

Performance plaster cast from

Bye, from


Two contributions for !!!100 Surprises!!! mail art project.

Peter Dowker, CANADA

... travelling fluXus camera update...

Yves Maraux, FRANCE